Sunday, March 30, 2014

To Catch Up A Bit...

Well... Seeing as how I am an awful slacker on this, and keep getting told I should blog because it's a great way to keep people posted AND journal, I am taking the time to log our adventures!

If memory serves correctly, I have about a year to catch up on....

Oh my lanta, I don't even know where to begin. Therefore, I will give a brief recap and then....well then we will just talk about current events. My memory does a lot better with things that are current.

So, after a phenomenal up and down rollercoaster, we got engaged (see prior post for details). Then, we got married. Pretty neat how the one is usually followed by the other. In my personal opinion, I am SO glad they did! We kept busy last summer with landscaping and house jobs - aka, tiling the kitchen, fixing the plumbing, building a fence, pulling out trees....etc. OK FINE. When I say "we" I really mean Spencer. I was more there for moral support and kept them fed. Oh, and I sliced my thumb off. (Just kidding. It was only a minor cut requiring 3 stitches...stupid watermelon).

We ran a 5k with Adam and Kaitie in Montana for McKinley.....ummm yes, ok, we walked in the pouring rain. But, if we are being honest, running and Nuff said. Sooo.... Spencer went back to school in the fall, I began working full time...which ended in October when I came down with a horrible flu that I couldn't seem to shake. Talk about the pits! Vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to smell, achey and exhausted ALL THE TIME.

Well, come to find out, that "flu" was morning sickness. By about 4 months along, the sickness had mostly subsided and I was a little less of a blob. Thanksgiving and Christmas were spent with our families - chaotic, but fun!  Then, we welcomed in the new year of 2014. Spencer began his student teaching at LPHS, continued coaching basketball at PGHS and kept taking care of me (that all in itself is quite the task). February came and I was back to being sick and a blob....only to find out it had become strep. Thank goodness for antibiotics! Once that cleared up, we continued on with life.... Ok, well now that that task is out of the way, I can take a deep breath of relief knowing I am all caught up and be able to share our current news!!!!

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