Tuesday, July 10, 2012


So, I considered titling my fairytale fishella or fuelerella, but it just didn't have the same effect as Cinderella. Weird, right? Suffice it to say, I work in a harbor in Alaska, washing fishing boats and working on a fuel dock. Yes, I may have a couple of the most feminine jobs in existence and before you even say this is not princess material, don't! Cinderella scrubbed floors, Snow White was a servant, Rapunzel was a prisoner and Mulan fought in a war. I haul hoses, pump fuel, dock boats, and scrub up fish slime. Sounds like prime princess material to me.

I'm hoping that in the near future, I can trade my coveralls, hardhat, boots and rain gear for something a little more elegant, like a business suit and cute heels. But until that time, these less-than-flattering articles of clothing will remain a part of my summer attire - no tiaras anywhere in sight.

Working in a harbor may not be every girls dream job, but college is expensive and money doesn't grow on trees. Trust me, I've tried planting it and the only thing that happens is your dirty money just gets dirtier. So, until prince charming decides to show up with oodles of money or at least a slightly less yucky job for me, I get to continue to learn the importance of hard work, budgeting, not gagging when dealing with fish or fuel and having icky calluses.

I make no promises on the quality of this fairy tale. It will most likely contain far too many mistakes, broken hearts, awkward moments, and clumsiness. I can promise you it will also contain hysterical moments, tears, family, multiple learning experiences, and most likely, a little too much ridiculousness on occasion.  I am well aware of the fact that my prince charming probably got lost, didn't want to stop and ask for directions (after all, he is a man), and therefore, still continues to wander aimlessly. However, if you've ever read a fairytale, you know that the prince doesn't show up until they are ready for the "happily ever after" and my favorite part of the story!